

EZ paint was developed and tested on the following platform

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo 64 bit 2.00GHz CPU
3.00 GB RAM
64 bit Operating System

You may need a similar platform or one that exceeds the one above to acheive the same satisfactory performance.


EZ paint is compatible with Microsoft's Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8 operating systems. Install the program by unzipping the zip file, fully extracting it, and running the setup application. You may uninstall the program by using Window's uninstall a program and selecting EZ paint. This will be necessary if you are installing a new updated version of the program


Download by clicking the link above. Depending on your browser settings you may need to right click and select 'Save target as...' to prompt a download. Before you do, however take note. Although EZ Paint is completely free, there are no guarentees associated with this software. Download it at your own risk.

EZ Paint