
EZ paint like all programs does have some limitations. The program is limited to editing or creating images of 4 megapixels or smaller. This should still be large enough for most pictures or illustrations you'll be placing on the Web. It's also large enough to print an entire page at 200 DPI. The program does provide a way for you to import larger pictures so you can use your 40 something megapixel camera images. Another limitation is the program does not edit monochrome bitmap images. You can open them in EZ paint but they will save as 24bit full color images.

Release Info

EZ Paint release. Please uninstall any previous version before installing any upgraded version. See Bug Fixes for a list of issues corrected in this version. If you find any issues please contact the author.

~Andrew Martin


Bug Fixes

1) New Polygon, New Shape, New Image caused an exception when the path wasn't set in each mode.
2) Make Selection didn't revert to the tools mode when other modes were active.



1) Radically changed the color theme to a dark style.
2) Several small cosmetic changes to various controls.
3) Added the ability to change the background color of the canvas.
4) In the text tool, added previewable font drop down box selector and removed the font dialog button.
5) Also in text, added mouse wheel support to the textbox and removed the vertical scroll bar.
6) Added 16 custom color history support but only 8 are shown on screen. The others are in the color dialog.

Bug Fixes

1) Drawing small arcs with the compass tool caused an Exception
2) Fixed white line edges when zoom less than 100%.



1) Menu uses familiar hamburger icon and x to close

Bug Fixes

1) A few minor cosmetic issues


Bug Fixes

1) Refresh Shapes, Polygon and Images Window did not prompt to continue with unsaved objects
2) Fixed numerous other minor errors



1) Changed Arrow shapes to draw not stretching the end point
2) Improved Memory Management by the use of compression for undo and storing Images
3) Added GreyScale% to Grayscale conversion in Color Transform
4) Added Presets to Color Coversion in Color Transform
5) Limited Undo to 20 from 25 in previous versions
6) Limited the amount of unsaved images that can be stored to help prevent OutOfMemory Errors
7) Lowered canvas size from 4 Megapixels to 3.3 to avoid flicker on the larger zoom levels

Bug Fixes

1) Restore on polyline removed graphic from display
2) Restore would move object after a flip
3) Exception occurred when clicking the canvas with a image selected in Image mode after resizing/rotating the canvas
4) CanvasBrush did not update after changing the gradient angle
5) Using Restore after a flip or invert caused a selected image to move left/right or up/down and sometimes move off canvas



1) Images(smaller than canvas sized .png files) can now be selected in the toolbox for easier access
2) Maintain aspect ratio of Images when drawing by dragging the mouse and holding CTRL
3) Mouse Click to draw at default size for all Polygons, Shapes and Images
4) Compass tool now has movable points center and radius
5) Color intensity added to texture fill to give more lively less faded textures

Bug Fixes

1) Icons for Shapes with curves display correctly inside the custom buttons.
2) Exception when using multistep tools (polyline, polygon, curve, compass, etc.) and switching brush type
3) Selection file path would backup a directory if the user cancelled the request



1) Polygons Selection Panel*
2) Shapes Selection Panel*
3) Brushes Selection Panel* - Hold the shift key to transfer brush sets to quick access
4) More percise placement of points by zooming in
5) More percise angle rotation of within 0.05 degrees - access by holding control after clicking the mouse button
6) Improved zoom when using the slider bar to key in on center instead of retaining the present scroll position
* All allow the user to visually select the icons along with the ability to create and store new additions, save, paste changes, select a new file path, etc.

Bug Fixes

1) Using the Curve tool after re-drawing a polygon with CTRL caused an exception due to a flag not being reset



1) 3d Shapes now use both brushes on Blends(Gradients) which makes them look more dimentional
2) Drawing the cone shape upside down now gives the reverse 3d perspective
3) Holding down shift while clicking the main or aux color blend will switch the two colors

Bug Fixes

1) Radial Center was off on the cuboid shapes due to a recent change in the program
2) Blend brush for canvas wasn't reconfigured for new size when the user clicked new



1) Paste Button added to Import Form (CTRL V shortcut was already present)
2) Right Click will now add a point to the nearest line in Point Mode
3) Cuboid1 and Cuboid2 objects are more consistant with each other

Bug Fixes

1) Not enough area was invalidated in some instances on redraw when using points leaving artifacts on the canvas
2) Fixed radial opacity effect to include edges where applicable when surround opacity is greater than zero
3) While using Polygon Select dotted selection line didn't display at the correct thickness when Zooming in/out



1) Oval shape displays better when using partially transparent brushes
2) Cuboid2 shape keeps a line angle(45 degrees) consistant on the object if height permits
3) Objects use graphic enhancements when not using outlines

Bug Fixes

1) Holding Shift key and using arrow or angle keys did not store the correct undo image which caused the last two changes to be undone



1) Indicator when Curve Slider Bar is On

Bug Fixes

1) Fixed work around with serious bug in Dot Net GDI+ Method which caused an exception on 0 x 0 sized objects
2) Solved Minor issue with selecting Center Focal Point fixed when using radial fill brushes
3) File Path for image would revert to last path used if new image was Untitled



1) Minor Improvement on SprayGun's Dot spray
2) View Transparancy on/off option on Opacity dialog

Bug Fixes

1) Switching from Left to Right Brush needed to redraw dotted line around selection
2) Switching from Selection to Crop using an image <> 96 dpi would cause display problems in the selected image
3) Sometimes would escape selection when closing the right click menu



1) Added Ability to flip transparency on/off in Color Transform and Warp Dialogs
2) Silhouette and text shadow effect has been vastly improved
3) Silhouette has step control.
4) Opacity Dialog has Gain control.
5) Added 56 new Textures for a total of 112 Textures
6) Change the Angle of a Textured Brush by Clicking in the Brush Area
7) Improved Quality of Texture Resizing when using Graphic Enhancements

Bug Fixes

1) Switching from Select to Crop or Skew caused issues with canvas image if editing a non-transparent file.
2) Holding down the mouse and dragging it off canvas caused an exception in Color Pick, Fill and Color Tranform Dialog.
3) Shapes did not display correctly when loading shapes with a curve value.
4) Resizing with menu immediately after opening a polygon or shape did not redraw and update the screen properly.
5) Quickly moving the G Color trackbar on Color Transform dialog caused an exception when moving too fast
6) Transparent images with uppercase suffixes(.PNG, .GIF) weren't recognized as transparent
7) Switching from a Transparent to a non transparent caused a display issue if DPI wasn't the default 96 DPI
8) Creating a Pie Shape left artifacts on the screen in some instances(not sure if this bug was in any released version)



1) Tools compass and pie
2) Line Styles: Round, Flat, Sharp controls how lines are drawn
3) Holding down shift key draws perfect diagonal as well as horizontal and vertical lines
4) Distance ruler added for compass, pie, line, polyline, polygon, parallelogram, and trapezoid tools
5) Angle now displays when using compass, pie, line, polyline, polygon, parallelogram, and trapezoid tools
6) Right click will now add a line after the last point when using polyline tool in points mode
7) Faster point redrawing when zooming in
8) Added shadow text support for using fonts with outline and fill paint brush modes.
9) Doubled line size maximum from 50 to 100
10) Doubled font size maximum from 100 to 200
11) Increased shadow outline maximum from 5 to 25

Bug Fixes

1) Both color boxes sometimes would be selected when using the right click on stored brush icons
2) Holding down control to redraw polygon with Polygon tool caused an exception when switching to the trapezoid or parallelogram tool
3) An exception occured if a user tried to deselect a font attribute where it is not allowed to be deselected. The program previously only checked if an attribute was available before allowing the selection to take place.



1) Curve tool improved by swapping endpoints in the case of points 3 and 4 being placed out of sequence. This tool now differs from the way MS Paint works, but the improvement far outweighs compatibility

Bug Fixes

1) Curve tool allowed an extra point if final point was double clicked which cause an exception


Bug Fixes

1) Using Opacity Blend did not factor in the existing opacity of the image
2) Clicking on the image to change the angle in Opacity Blend using Linear Type did not work on the first click



1) Round radial fill accessed by holding Control Key while clicking mouse
2) No longer have to hold down control when using Anti-Alaised fill
3) Silhouette added to Color Transform which can be used to create easy shadow effects
4) Color transparency slider bar added to Color Transform's Conversion process
5) Solid and Blend options added to Color Transform's Conversion Dialog

Bug Fixes

1) Cut, Copy commands check for shared clipboard and issues a message if unable to access



1) Support for XP Operating System. Previous versions would also run under XP but had display problems

Bug Fixes

1) Opening an image file caused an exception if user was installing for the first time. Exception quit occuring once the user saved an image file
2) When using the crop tool, cut and copy caused exceptions in some cases and didnt work correctly with transparent images


Bug Fixes

1) Resample selection didnt work if using a canvas that wasn't transparent.
2) Selecting a single brush from Brush Set Icons using right click did not work correctly sometimes when using a radial blend.
3) AutoCrop had issues on a selection that was flipped, inverted or slightly off the top or left edge of the canvas.



1) Open brushes quick access icon
2) Dual Texture draw on 3d shapes

Bug Fixes

1) Both square and round eraser had issues if eraser was off the top or left edge of the canvas.
2) 3D shapes were filled incorrectly if using less than 100% opacity brushes.


Bug Fixes

1) Zoom level was change to 40% instead of 100% after new canvas was imported via import dialog.
2) When using Line tool, line was flipped sometimes when clicking points button successively.



1) Decrease color depth in Color Transform Dialog

Bug Fixes

1) Redraw selection by holding ctrl with select tool caused an exception if previous selection was blank.
1) Trying to select a small area with a horizontal or vertical width of zero would cause garbage pixels to be left on the screen


Bug Fixes

1) Select All shortcut did not work correctly sometimes due to the addition of redraw selection in


Bug Fixes

1) Save selection did not work correctly if canvas resolution was greater than 96 dpi.



1) Redraw previous selection by using rectangular select and holding CTRL while dragging the mouse.

Bug Fixes

1) Make selection did not work correctly if creating from text with a DPI other than the default 96 dpi.
2) Clicking the view track bar on the import dialog on either side of the slider moved the slider in too large an increment.
3) Importing a selection did not place the default location to where the drawing view panel was scrolled to.
4) Inches radio button not selected in the import dialog when using inches.
5) Importing a selected area from the import dialog did not make a new canvas when As Selection was unchecked.


Bug Fixes

1) Even if using a blend or texture brush, a fill would not be allowed if the destination color was identical to the main color.



1) Opacity Blend Dialog for creating fade effects on Images
2) Save selection on object right click menu
3) Open selection on canvas right click menu
4) Resample image on object right click menu

Bug Fixes

1) Save selection now works even if the original image has been resized, rotated, skewed, cropped, etc.
2) Fill did not work with textures unless holding CTRL.


Bug Fixes

1) Horizontal Arch Tool caused an exception when dragging mouse to a certain length.



1) Delete button on quick access tool menu strip replaces the help button which has never been implemented

Bug Fixes

1) Holding CTRL and using redraw polygon caused an exception if a polygon was never drawn.


Bug Fixes

1) Fill would not work with transparent or semi-transparent solid brushes.


Bug Fixes

1) Corrected numerous redraw errors when using shift with arrow keys.



1) Redraw last polygon by using polygon tool, holding control key and dragging mouse

Bug Fixes

1) Picture did not draw correctly when placing objects behind semi-transparent canvas pixels.


Bug Fixes

1) While zoomed in or out and using arrow keys to move an object behind canvas pixels, the picture did not update correctly.


Bug Fixes

1) Opening a Shape did not set line width correctly due to a recent change in line width settings.


Bug Fixes

1) Right Click Object Menu in wrong location when zoomed in and view panel is scrolled.


1) Round Eraser Tool with separate size control
2) Replace Erase with right mouse button replaces pixels that are left color with right color
3) SprayGun Tool - Using SprayGun with CTRL + right mouse button sprays over pixels that are left color with right color and vice-versa with left button.
4) Pencil Tool alows you to edit pixels without anti-alaising.
5) Four lines of text are now available in Text Tool's edit text box.
6) MouseWheel now works even if holding the mouse button down.



1) Improved fill with transparent images which is accessed by holding down CTRL
2) Back/Front on object right click menu allows you to place an object behind canvas pixels.
3) New Image Dialog which simply calls the properties dialog when creating a new image.
4) Make Selection on object right click menu allows making an image selection from a shape or text


Bug Fixes

1) When creating New image, save changes dialog cancel not canceling new image creation
2) Image selection leaves tool control panel visible when creating new image
3) Recent image file path was not retained when opening a new image file



1) Added the ability to save the entire shape(.shp file) including polygon, pen width, angle, brushes for outline and fill
2) Moving an object with arrow keys is denoted in status bar


Bug Fixes

1) Exception occured when using a line with the points button
2) Selected Rectangle was not redrawn when clicking on edge of canvas(not resizing)


Bug Fixes

1) Clicking Smooth checkbox when using multi-step tools did not update the object
2) Smoothing not used when reducing or enlarging the canvas.
3) Delete Points would fail to remove all points when sucessive points were selected.


1) AutoCrop added to Object menu
2) Step value for arrow keys in object controls
3) Plus and minus buttons for tool slider bar
4) Plus and minus buttons for zoom slider bar
5) Zoom support for less than 100% view
6) Raised undos from 10 to 25
7) Focus control to radial fill brush
8) Swapped tag and bowtie with closed arc and heart shapes
9) More Shapes support points editing
10) Undo and Redo for points
11) MouseWheel support for canvas
12) Warp Image Dialog featuring 44 different warp functions
13) Color Transform Dialog to Object and Main Menus
Features include:
- Convert to GrayScale
- Change brightness contrast, and luminance color intensity
- Seperation of light and dark colors
- Translate Colors
- Invert colors


Bug Fixes

1) Cut and Copy would sometimes be disabled off the rightclick menu when working with selections


1) Shortcuts list dialog under Help Menu
2) Shortcut keys for object rotation which can be used with Shift for trail effects


Bug Fixes

1) Selection did not show correct area when using a flipped or inverted image.
2) Border of color palette area did not return to neutral color when using 'Select All'


Bug Fixes

1) Installer application did not automatically place short cut to User's Program Menu
2) 'Select All' caused cursor to remain on wait when there was nothing on the screen to be selected.